Conference Rooms in Lower Franconia

Conferences and seminars in Randersacker at the “Bärwirt”. You benefit from a quiet but also central location in Germany. Our place is conveniently located on the A3 motorway near Würzburg. The list of references would be almost endless. Speakers and participants appreciate not only the state-of-the-art technology, but also and especially the incomparable surroundings behind the historic walls

We don’t need to tell you about beamers and TVs, everything is there. Just like a healthy room climate for your well-being.

We are able to provide four conference and seminar rooms on our location. And the “strong as an ox” conference packages make it easy for you to decide to come to us.

Conference Flat Rates

A proportionately room rental may be charged if necessary.


€ 77,50

per person and day*

  • fully equipped conference room
  • lunch or diner (both 3-course-menu) with three optional main dishes plus soft drink
  • 2x coffee-/ teabreaks (morning with fruits, afternoon with pastries)
  • cold beverages (unlimited)


€ 170,50

per person and day*

  • fully equipped conference room
  • lunch or diner (both 3-course-menu) with three optional main dishes plus soft drink
  • 2x coffee-/ teabreaks (morning with fruits, afternoon with pastries)
  • cold beverages (unlimited)
  • one overnight-stay in the “Comfort”- single room with breakfast


€ 197

per person and day*

  • fully equipped conference room
  • lunch or diner (both 3-course-menu) with three optional main dishes plus soft drink
  • 2x coffee-/ teabreaks (morning with fruits, afternoon with pastries)
  • cold beverages (unlimited)
  • one overnight-stay in the “Comfort”- single room with breakfast
  • A lunch or dinner (plate meal) with a choice of 3 meals with a soft drink

*Prices are inclusive of statutory value added tax.

Seating Arrangements

The seating arrangements we offer are subject to the number of particpants without the presentor/ trainer. We would love to provide a satisfying solution for your individual request on your conference. Feel free to talk to us.

Old Barn

Room size ca. 23 m²


8 Participants



12 Participants


8 Participants


Old Barn

Room size ca. 36 m²


14 Participants



18 Participants


15 Participants


Old Barn
I & II

Room size ca. 59 m²


26 Participants


30 Participants


27 Participants


25 Participants


45 Participants

Garden Room

Room size ca. 40 m²


16 Participants



18 Participants


18 Participants



Room size ca. 20 m²


9 Participants


Room size ca. 40 m²


11 Participants


All our Conference-& Seminar rooms are covered in daylight and are equipped by default with:

Beamer / TV (HDMI- Conncector)




moderation kit

On demand we provide additonal Conference-& Seminar equipment, such as: 





A Relaxing Atmosphere

Your physical well-being

Conferences make you hungry, don’t they? On the other hand, a full belly makes you tired. Our dedicated team in the kitchen knows this, of course, and adapts to the conference guests. From small, healthy snacks to light fruit and vegetables to a light-hearted lunch menu, our chefs conjure up everything that discerning seminar participants expect. Creativity and freshness: This keeps trainers and participants fit and awake.

Relaxing Breaks

Conferences can be exhausting. And the participants should not get tired just because there are no “free slots” for the breaks. By this we mean not only balanced and healthy meals, but also the opportunity to use many little corners and niches in the inner courtyard, to catch one’s breath in the fresh air and gather new strength. Or how about a little walk along the Main? Relaxing breaks during conferences in our house: you see and feel the difference immediately. And the fact that the distances are short, that the greenery is practically on your doorstep, is not bad either, is it?

Peter Kuhn

Unsere Teilnehmenden bewerten den Gasthof Bären stets mit der Spitzennote. Für uns als Seminarveranstalter ist der Bären ein echter Glücksfall. Tagen auf höchsten Niveau – schon allein das Mittagessen in Topqualität bleibt bei unseren Teilnehmenden immer in bester Erinnerung. Die Zusammenarbeit ist so einfach und lösungsorientiert, wie ich es von keinem anderen Hotel kenne.

Peter Kuhn, Inhaber

Frank Gottschalk

Seit vielen Jahren buchen wir im Gasthof Bären die Tagungsräume und Gästezimmer für unsere zahlreichen Seminarveranstaltungen. In den tollen Tagungsräumen mit seinen super Tagungsequipments macht das Lernen und Tagen Spaß. Die Rahmenbedingungen sind optimal, dadurch können wir produktiv und mit viel Freude arbeiten. In den Gästezimmern kann man sich nur wohlfühlen. Die Gaststube und der Außenbereich sorgt für Gemütlichkeit. Das Essen ist super lecker und sehr zu empfehlen. Wir danken der Familie Morhard und seinen Mitarbeitern für die immer sehr angenehme und freundliche Zusammenarbeit und für die große Gastfreundlichkeit. Wir kommen immer wieder gerne in den Gasthof Bären. Bitte machen Sie weiter so, Familie Morhard … Unser Teilnehmer und wir sagen DANKE …

Frank Gottschalk

Peter G.

Super Tagungshotel! Wir waren mit unserer Firma für zwei Tage und eine Nacht vor Ort und waren rundum zufrieden. Das Essen war sehr lecker und die Mitarbeitenden immer nett und freundlich. Das Frühstück war sehr reichhaltig. Die Zimmer sauber und aufgeräumt.

Peter G.

Ralf Schulze

Ich war hier zum Seminar.
Ein schöner Seminarraum und sehr gute Küche zum Mittagessen.

Ralf Schulze